Janglez , Feb 20, , in forum: According to CelesteBlue, the plugin will temporarily cease function with the latest titles games requiring a firmware newer than 3. However, you must follow all instructions for a clean installation to avoid any issues during the process on the fully softmod exploit.. I believe there is also an application that can download and install a lot of the plugins including reF00D on the system called Autoplugin, which can be found here: January 11, at 9: spoofer 3.65

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No, create an account now. By Roxanne on Feb 19, at 2: The only thing that was missing was firmware detection of 4.

Question about Spoofer

BigDaddyWeaves Sep 2, Log in or Sign up. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Yes, my password is: Other then that its the same old classic multiMAN, which is not a bad thing as this was and still is an iconic applications for the PS3.

Manually or using Autoplugin? January 11, at 8: Nice info and guide as always Aurora, thanks. Twitter theflow0 Initial Release: If you have installed the so-called Advance Mode Patch you will need to reinstall Rebug 3. February 16, at 3: You can force launching the bootstrap menu by holding R while launching h-encore.

Added confirmation dialog for Reset taiHEN config.

spoofer 3.65

January 11, at 1: You are commenting using your Google account. In henkaku setting do you have spoofing enabled?


Louis Garry, Sep 29, at These will be stored in ux0: You are commenting using your Twitter account. According to CelesteBlue, the plugin will temporarily cease function with the latest titles games requiring a firmware newer than 3. We have not seen an official update since firmware 4. I have had this very same issue where it would not change modes after updating to the new selector, it has spoofrr to do with the selector itself.

Since that time Sony's changes in 4.

Rebug PS3 Version Spoofer and Update Package Released | 3dsgame

January 11, at 9: Mr WordPress on Hello world! PS3 [WIP] windows tool to generate xmls.

On brewology there is an unofficial multiMAN 4. How did you install reF00D?

spoofer 3.65

Do you already have an account? Following up after the release of Modoru last week, which allows you to Downgrade your PlayStation Vita to a lower System Firmware to enjoy again great Hacks and Exploits written for System Firmware 3. Coro, Sep 28, at This issue is caused by your HDD being corrupt, it has nothing to do with Rebug or any of our apps. If you found out you have an issue going to normal mode or trying to change any of the menus and it just keep putting you in the same mode you are currently do not waste your time trying to figure it out… I have done everything in my power to fix the issue and I only found one solution I will get into that in a min.


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