You can improve speed by changing the initial settings: Ivan Owl Country Level 10 alright, let's see what we can see. The move to 3D is a bad one imo.. Show hidden low quality content. How about a Goro like character? Apr 10, 3 0. ragdollsoft rubber ninjas

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For any question or comment regarding Rubber Ninjas, feel free to contact me by e-mail at matteo ragdollsoft. Apr 10, 3 0. I believe it will get tiring fast. Hehe, I like your "video", silly cutscenes would be pretty fun, although full models is something that might be a problem.

ragdollsoft rubber ninjas

With a bit of effort you will also be able to create additional campaigns, and even make your own ragdolls and weapons. Greg Game Man Level 5 i have to return some videotapes. Have you tried an octopus? By moeen k Ragdollwoft Monday at How do I make new campaigns, characters, weapons etc.?

Rag Doll Software

Thanks also for you gubber on the price, it's something that might be adjusted. Sign In Sign Up. Guert - World of Guert - Games.

The move to 3D is a bad one imo. Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread.

New game by Ragdollsoft Rubber Ninjas

We are physics junkies after all Anyways, I think this'll be great. Also, if you can post some screenshots of what you're working on, it would be neat. Everywhere Threads This forum This thread.

Ok a little about me ragdolpsoft name is Matteo I run ragdollsoft. By Cortablo Started Monday at My favourite moment so far was when I headbutted a dude's head clean off.

New game for OS X Rubber Ninjas (aka Ragdoll Masters 3D), need feedback!

Perhaps if you had some solid ground to stand on, but could still make use of bouncing hit an enemy into the "rubber"? I'm on a 17" PowerBook G4 with 1. Shunnabunich, I heard the text bug before, indeed happens on some computers If so, it might work.

I just tried it, and it's pretty fun. Please post a new topic. Thanks for the feedback guys! Rubber Ninjas is out now for Windows and Macintosh!

Rag Doll Software

I like the idea of weapons. It was cool on 2D because you could actually play with skill in 2player.

ragdollslft July 25, Although thats how peggle is and i love that. Try to survive as long as possible while breakdancing your way through an ever increasing number of razor sharp spikes!

ragdollsoft rubber ninjas

October 19, For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.


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